Page:Suggestive programs for special day exercises.djvu/102

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Adapted to the tune "Hail Columbia."

Beautiful this, our Christmas time,
Beautiful bells with silv'ry chime,
Beautiful words are these we say.
Beautiful words are these we say,—
Jesus our King is born today,
 Jesus our King is born.

Beautiful angels came of old,
Sang to the shepherds near their fold;
Beautiful story told to them,
Beautiful story told to them,—
Jesus is born in Bethlehem,
 Is born in Bethlehem.

Beautiful songs they sing today,
Sweeter by far than earthly lay;
Join in the chorus, all who sing.
Join in the chorus, all who sing,—
Joy to the world, our Lord is King,
 Joy, our Lord is King!

—From Sunshine Melodies.

(Enter Snap-Dragon, wearing a hideous mask and carrying a large punch bowl in which alcohol is burning.)

Snap Dragon

I am Mr. Snap-Dragon,
But you needn't fear.
I am better than I look.
So receive me, dear.
Though about me you will see
Blue flames mountain high,
There's a present for each one,
Who his luck dares try.

(Enter several children dressed to represent pop-corn' and nuts. Pop-corn wears yellow and white and has a string of pop-corn around his neck; nuts wear brown. Both wear masks; the nuts brown, pop corn white ones.)


We are little pop-corns, and
When around the fire
Christmas Eve, you're sitting all,
No one can jump higher.


We are Christmas nuts so brown,
That the boys are bringing.
Crack us while the merry girls
Christmas songs are singing.


Don't you think we well may be,
Happy, glad, and gay,
When so many things we have
For our Christmas Day?


Yes, my little children; and
Thank the One in heaven,
Who, from out His boundless love,
Christ's birthday has given.