Page:Summer - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/409

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New and Recent Books. I VE BEEN A-GIPSYING: or Rambles among our Gipsies ancf their Children in their Tents and Vans. By GEORGE SMITH, of Coal- ville, Author of " Gipsy Life," " Canal Adventures by Moonlight," &c. With an Appendix showing the -Authors plans for the Compulsory Registration of Gipsy Vans, and the Education of Gipsy Chil dren. New and Revised and Popular Edition. 12 Illustrations o 3 6 Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to accept, and to thank Mr. Smith for, a copy of the above work. The Rt. Hon. Sir Staffjrd Nortkcote, M.P., thus writes to the author : "Accept my best thanks for your book, which cannot fail to be most interesting, both on account of the subject and of the author. Your good works will indeed live after you." " Mr. Smith s sketches of his visits to the gipsies are graphic and varied, and will, we trust, serve to excite a wider interest in the perplexing questibn of their amelioration, to which the author has already given yeoman s service." Contemporary Review, September, 1883. " The author of Gipsy Life has so far made the characteris tics and social condition of this race the study of his life, that nothing from his pen is likely to be otherwise than instructive. I ve been a-Gipsying will fully answer the expectations of its readers." The Record. . "No imaginary picture is drawn of distant sufferers on a dark continent, for the evil, vice, wretchedness, and misery may be seen any day at our very doors." Daily Chronicle. " A rugged book by a rugged man in real earnest about his life work . . . These graphic sketches cannot fail to do good service by calling public attention to a crying evil, and so helping to hasten the day when an awakened Parliament shall wipe away this reproach from the nation." Christian. "Those who deliberately and carefully go over Mr. Smith s book will be able to see this is not exactly the sort of philanthro- pical work which is habitually dismissed with a careless wave of the hand." Modern Review. "The earnestness, the enthusiasm, the high moral purpose of the man everywhere shine through, dominate the book, and enforce respect alike for the author and his design." Christian World. "More interesting than any novel, and holds the reader spell bound . . . The revelations contained in this book are very startling and painful." Sheffield I ndependetit. " Will do considerable good, and it throws a flood of light on a subject of which most men know scarcely anything." Christian Leader. "Merits a wide circulation, both on its literary merits, and the importance of its purpose." Liverpool Daily Post.