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Sunset, the Pacific Monthly

transportation taxes voluntarily assumed by farmers. He has crossed the seas several times to continue his studies in England and Germany and France. He goes about over the states of Oregon and Washington lecturing on his favorite study. He drops into a city or hamlet, engages a hall, makes no admission charge and talks for an hour and a half, illustrating his lecture with splendid stereopticon views of good and bad roads from Illwahee to Timbuctoo, from Maryhill to London and Berlin, and incidentally, quite incidentally, brings in a series of beautiful slides showing the grandeur of scenery in the Oregon Cascades. It is alecture that is not only inspirational but effective. He seldom leaves an audience unconvinced of the value of well-built highways.

Who is Sam Hill? Even though the facts were abbreviated to intensive terseness, it required a whole page of the menu prepared for the testimonial dinner, first referred to, to tell about Sam Hill. He was born in North Carolina, in 1857, and he has been so busy since that he has never had time to rest. He is a graduate of Haverford and Harvard. He has been president, associate counsel, general manager or director of a half-dozen railroads. He is president of the Home Telephone Company in Portland, and just now as a side issue is amalgamating the independent telephone companies throughout the United States. He is president of the Maryhill Land Company, Maryhill, Washington; President of the United States Trust Company of Seattle, Washington; President of the American Road Builders' Association; Honorary Life President of the Washington Good Roads Association; Vice-president of the Pacific Highway Association; Vice-President of the Columbia River Highway Association; Vice-president of the International Road Congress; Member of the Canadian Highway Association and an active member of over a dozen social clubs from New York city to Portland.

Sam Hill is a busy man.

He has another hobby aside from good roads, although related to that very laudable subject. For some years he has had made in Berlin, each year, a globe, similar to those found in all well regulated libraries, but embodying some special line of study. One is devoted to earthquakes; another to tidal waves; another to roads, good and bad; another to railroads. These globes he has had prepared by experts and then, not wishing to hide them under a bushel, has presented them to friends or institutions where they will serve as valuable reference works. One such may be found in the Congressional Library. Others have been presented to railroad presidents; still others to social clubs. Among the fortunate possessors of these globes are George Baker, Henry Cannon and the estate of the late J. P. Morgan, New York.

The latest effective gift was that to the state of Oregon of a comprehensive outline for a series of highways for the state. This plan, based upon information secured at a personal expenditure of $10,000 and a thorough canvass of the state, is given to the people as a suggested means of development and a donation to the cause of good roads. Mr. Hill worked quietly for months, traveling over the proposed routes, studying their feasibility from standpoints of topography, people to be served and traffic to be encouraged. He had in mind the desirability of the most direct connection between rural regions and markets and between centers of population, and was influenced by the experience of the districts where good roads had already been built. He reaches this succinct conclusion—that the directest road which serves the most interests the longest distance is the best.

One of the happily chosen tributes to Samuel Hill's work is that by ex-United States Senator Charles W. Fulton: 'Samuel Hill is doing more than any other one man for the good of Oregon. He is making it possible for people to get acquainted with each other. He is making it possible for tourists to see our scenic attractions."

What a lot of good could be accomplished if more men of aggressiveness and wealth and great constructive ability should give as unstintingly and as generously of their time to some especial phase of national growth as has Samuel Hill, of Portland, Oregon, to the cause of good roads!C. E. Fisher.

The Only Woman Railroad-President

"A CHARMING gown, my dear. Those Bulgarian color combinations are fetching, aren't they? . . . . .Yes, as I was saying, my contention is that Nietzsche never would have—the telephone? How annoying!—Hello! Yes. I said seventy-pound