Page:Superseding Indictment, United States of America v. Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Allison Mack, Kathy Russell and Lauren Salzman.pdf/15

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Case 1:18-cr-00204-NGG-VMS Document 430 Filed 03/13/19 Page 15 of 30 PageID #: 4303


35. In or about and between October 2015 and January 2018, both dates being approximate and inclusive, within the Northern District of New York and elsewhere, the defendant CLARE BRONFMAN, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally present an application, affidavit and other document required by the immigration laws and regulations prescribed thereunder, which contained one or more false statements with respect to a material fact and which failed to contain any reasonable basis in law and fact, to wit: BRONFMAN caused to be submitted to the United States consulate an offer of employment that BRONFMAN knew to contain materially false and fraudulent statements, which offer of employment was submitted in support of a visa application for another individual, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1546(a) and 2.

RACKETEERING ACT TWELVE (Sex Trafficking and Forced Labor-Jane Doe 5)

36. The defendants KEITH RANIERE and ALLISON MACK, together with others, committed the following acts, either of which alone constitutes Racketeering Act Twelve:

A. Sex Trafficking of Jane Doe 5

37. In or about and between February 2016 and June 2017, both dates being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the defendants KEITH RANIERE and ALLISON MACK, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain, maintain, patronize and solicit a person, to wit: Jane Doe 5, an individual whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce, and did benefit, financially and by