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A List of

Tennyson for the Young and for Recitation. Specially arranged. Fcap. 8vo, is. 6d. The Tennyson Birthday Book. Edited by Emily Shakespear. 32mo, limp, 2s. ; extra, "^s.

      • A superior Edition, printed in red and black, on antique paper,

specially prepared. Small crown 8vo, extra, gilt leaves, ^s. ; and in various calf and morocco bindings. Horse Tennysonianae sive Eclogoe e Tennysono Latine Redditae Cura A. J. Church, A.M. Small crown 8vo, 6s. THOMPSON, Alice C— Preludes : a Volume of Poems. Illustrated by Elizabeth Thompson (Painter of "The Roll Call ")• 8vo, 7j. 6d. TODHUNTER, Dr. 7.— Laurella, and other Poems. Crown Svo, es. ed. Forest Songs. Small crown Svo, 3^. 6d. The True Tragedy of Rienzi : a Drama. 3^. 6d. Alcestis : a Dramatic Poem. Extra fcap. Svo, 5^. A Study of Shelley. Crown Svo, "js. Translations from Dante, Petrarch, Michael Angelo, and Vittoria Colonna. Fcap. Svo, "js. 6d. TURNER, Rev. C. Tennyson. — Sonnets, Lyrics, and Translations. Crown Svo, 4J. 6d. Collected Sonnets, Old and New. With Prefatory Poem by Alfred Tennyson ; also some Marginal Notes by S. T, Coleridge, and a Critical Essay by James Spedding. Fcap. Svo, 7j. ed.

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