Page:Suppliant Maidens (Morshead) 1883.djvu/84

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BURTON, Mrs. Richard.— TYie Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. With Maps, Photographs, and Coloured Plates. Cheaper Edition in one volume. Large post 8vo, los. 6d, BUSBECQ, Ogur Ghiselin de.—'HSs, Life and Letters. By Charles Thornton Forster, M.A., and F. H. Blackburne Daniell, M.A. 2 vols. With Frontispieces. Demy 8vo, 24J.

CARPENTER, Dr. Phillip P.— His Life and ^Work. Edited by his brother, Russell Lant Carpenter. With Portrait and Vignettes. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 7^. dd. CARPENTER, W. B., LL.D., M.D., F.R.S., ^/^.— The Principles of Mental Physiology. With their Applications to the Training and Discipline of the Mind, and the Study of its Morbid Conditions. Illustrated. Sixth Edition. 8vo, I2J. CERVANTES.— *txQ Ingenious Knight Don Quixote de la Mancha. A New Translation from the Originals of 1605 and 1608. By A. J. DUFFIELD. With Notes. 3 vols. Demy 8vo, 42^. CHEYNE, Rev. T. ^— The Prophecies of Isaiah. Translated with Critical Notes and Dissertations. 2 vols. Second Edition. Demy 8vo, 25J. CZ^/^-^^77:— Elements of Geometry. Translated by Dr. Kaines. With 145 Figures. Crown 8vo, 4J. 6d. CLAYDEN, P. ^.—England under Lord Beaconsfleld. The Political History of the Last Six Years, from the end of 1873 to the beginning of 1880. Second Edition, with Index and con- tinuation to March, 1880. Demy 8vo, i6j. CLODDy Edward, E.R.A.S.—rhe Childhood of the ^World : a Simple Account of Man in Early Times. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. A Special Edition for Schools, is. The Childhood of Religions. Including a Simple Account of the Birth and Growth of Myths and Legends. Nmth Thousand. Crown 8vo, 5^. A Special Edition for Schools, is. 6d. Jesus of Nazareth. With a brief sketch of Jewish History to the Time of His Birth. Small crown 8vo, 6s. COGHLAN, y. Cole, B.D.—The Modern Pharisee and other Sernaons. Edited by the Very Rev. H. H. Dickinson, D.D., Dean of Chapel Royal, Dublin. New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, 7^. 6d. COLERIDGE, .Sara;.— Phantasmion. A Fairy Tale. With an In- troductory Preface, by the Right Hon. Lord Coleridge, of Ottery St. Mary. A New Edition. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, ys. 6d. Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge. Edited by her Daughter. With Index. Cheap Edition. With one Portrait. 7J. 6d.