Page:Suppressed Gospels and Epistles.djvu/154

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Christ Jesus; without whom we have no true life.

13 But if, as some who are Atheists, that is to say infidels, pretend, that he seemed to suffer, (they themselves only seeming to exist) why then am I bound?—Why do I desire to fight with beasts?—Therefore do I die in vain: therefore I will not speak falsely against the Lord.

14 Flee therefore these evil sprouts which bring forth deadly fruit; of which if any one taste, he shall presently die.

15 For these are not the plants of the Father; seeing if they were, they would appear to be the branches of the cross, and their fruit would be incorruptible; by which he invites you through his passion, who are members of him.

16 For the head cannot be without its members, God having promised a union with himself.


He again exhorts to unity, and desires their prayers for himself, and for his church at Antioch.

I SALUTE you from Smyrna, together with the churches of God that are present with me; who have refreshed me in all things, both in the flesh and in the spirit.

2 My bonds, which I carry about me for the sake of Christ, (beseeching him that I may attain unto God) exhort you that you continue in concord among yourselves, and in prayer with one another.

3 For it becomes everyone of you, especially the presbyters, to refresh the bishop, to the honour of the Father of Jesus Christ, and of the Apostles.

4 I beseech you, that you hearken to me in love; that I may not by those things which I write, rise up in witness against you.

5 Pray also for me; who, through the mercy of God, stand in need of your prayers, that I may be worthy of the portion which I am about to obtain, and that I be not found a reprobate.

6 The love of those who are at Smyrna and Ephesus salute you. Remember in your prayers the church of Syria, from which I am not worthy to be called, being one of the least of it.

7 Fare ye well in Jesus Christ; being subject to your bishop as to the command of God; and so likewise to the presbytery.

8 Love every one his brother with an unfeigned heart. [1]My soul be your expiation, not only now, but when I shall have attained unto God; for I am yet under danger.

9 But the Father is faithful in Jesus Christ, to fulfil both mine and your petition; in whom may ye be found unblamable.

To the Trallians.



Ignatius testifies his desire to see, and his hopes of suffering for Christ, 5 which he earnestly entreats them not to prevent, 10 but to pray for him, that God would strengthen him to the combat.
  1. Vid. Annot. Vossii et Coteler. in loc.