Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/228

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Hachesham, and nothing of the king by which the custody of the lands or of the heir of Adam could pertain to the king. And the treasurer and barons answered that having examined the rolls and memoranda of the Exchequer, it was found that one Richard de Vabadune, whose daughter and heir, Sarra de Vabadune by name, was married to Roger de Bavent, father of the said Adam (of which Roger and Sarra the said Adam de Bavent, was son and heir), held one fee of the king in capite ut de coronâ in Hachesham, in the county of Surrey, and the said custody therefore belonged to the king, the tenure by which Adam held of William de Say or of any other person in whatever manner notwithstanding. And William de Say said that Adam de Bavent held of him in capite by knight's service, and that the ancestors of William were seized of the custody of the lands and the heirs, the relief, marriage, and homage of all the ancestors of Adam from time immemorial; and in like manner the same William in his time was seized of the homage of the said Adam and of the said custody until he was now newly deprived by the king; and that the king, or his ancestors, never were seized of the custody, marriage, &c. of Adam or his ancestors; wherefore he demanded that the custody should be restored to him as before. And he prayed that the treasurer and barons would attempt nothing in this behalf to his prejudice, nor would proceed against him to judgment, but would leave the matter in its present condition till the parliament after Michaelmas in the same year; that then, before the king and his council, the right of the said William being more fully examined, there should be done to him in the premises what of right ought to be done. And a day being given him at the said parliament, at which the matter