Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/237

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house, worth per annum 40d.; also nine acres of land, worth per annum 3s., held of the said prioress; also sixteen acres of land in Ombraifeld of the said prioress, worth per annum 5s. 4d.; also in a certain field called Cokescroft, ten acres of land of the prior of Tounbrige, lying between the wood belonging to Lord Say on the south side and the highway on the north side, worth per annum 10d.; also seven acres of land in a croft, called Absolon Crofte, of the said prioress, worth per annum 3s. 4d.; also in Absolon Crofte five acres of wood, worth per annum 40d. and no more, because there was nothing but brambles and thorns; all which were held of the said prioress by knight's service, rendering yearly 8s. 11¼d. at the feasts of Easter and St. Martin by equal portions, and at the feast of the birth of our Lord one cock and two hens, and at Easter thirty eggs.

By the terms of the service he was also to find a man to * * for one day, or pay 2d.; and also to find a man to stack the lord's hay, or pay 1d.; and to plough for a day, and to carry the hay if he have a cart; and if he refused to help the reaper during that time, he was to pay One quarter of malt a year, and have by the day for * * * * * * * * *  performing suit at the court of the said prioress for the said manor from three weeks to three weeks. He held also two acres of land in a croft called Bringchoscroft worth per annum 8d., held of the lord, Nicholas Burnel, by the service of 2s. 1d. per annum and suit of court to Hacchesham. He also held at Hacchesham one cottage and one acre of meadow, which formerly belonged to William Shrevesbury, worth per annum 2s., held of the said prioress by knight's service, and paying 20d. per annum. He also held of the same prioress by service as before, one messuage, one garden, and two acres of