Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/251

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the said Matilda; and after their decease, then to John the son of John Lovel and the heirs male of his body; and in default thereof, then to the right heirs of Matilda for ever. John de Handlo had issue by Matilda, two sons, Richard and Nicholas, of whom Richard died in his father's lifetime. This circumstance would appear to have altered John de Handlo's intentions with regard to settling his property, for in 14 Edw. III. another fine was levied, by which this manor was settled upon him for life; and after his decease, then to Nicholas and his heirs, without any remainders over.

John de Handlo died on the 5th August, 20 Edw. III. [1346], leaving Nicholas Burnell his son and heir, who was twenty-three years of age and upwards, him surviving; and by an inquisition taken at Kingston-upon-Thames, 10th October in the same year, it was found that John de Handlo at the time of his death held certain tenements in Hacchesham according to the terms of the last named fine: and it was found that the said tenements were held of Geoffrey de Say by the service of one quarter of a knight's fee, rendering five shillings every thirty-two weeks to the guard of Dover Castle. And it was found that there was at Hacchesham a capital messuage worth nothing, beyond reprises; and that there were seventy acres of arable land worth per annum 23s. 4d. when well cultivated and sown, and that year it was sown before the death of John Handlo; but when the land was not cultivated or sown, then it was worth 2d. per acre as pasture-land. There were also seven acres of meadow worth per annum 7s., and no more, because the meadow lay in a certain marsh which was frequently inundated and the hay carried away; and also rents of assize of free tenants, five shillings per annum.[1]

  1. Inq. post mortem, 20 Edw. III. (first number), n° 51.