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said manner as lyable to either for the busines of shipping, as you may perceive more perticulerly by the said peticon, forasmuch as the peticoner hath (as by certificat appeares) payd towards the said service in the county of Surry, where hee hath formerly payd all personall duties, and for that it is not intended that any one shall bee so unequally dealt withall as to pay twice for one and the same thing at one time; Wee doe therefore heerby pray you, the judges of assize for the said counties of Kent and Surry, perticulerly and carefully to examin the busines, and settle such a finall order, not onely in this perticuler, but also in all other publique assesmts and rates as his mts service receive no prejudice, and the peticoner know for the future how to conforme himselfe for such payments, and soe, &c.

"Dated at Whithall, the last of December, 1635.

"(Signed)  Lo: Keeper. Mr. Compte
"Ea: of Dorset. Mr. D. Chambr
"Ea: of Salisbury.  Mr. Loe Coke.
"Kn: Vilmot. Mr. Sec. Windbank."

In pursuance of this letter the judges entered into an investigation of the matter, and at last came to the conclusion that the manor was entirely in Surrey.

The following is their certificate:—

"The true copie of a certificat made by the judges of assizes to the lords of the councell for the settleing of the manor of Hatcham in the county of Surry.

"According to your lordships' letters of the last of December last, and the peticon of Randolphe Crewe sent us therewithall, we at several dayes perticulerly, carefully, and att large, in the presence of the peticoner and of divers inhabittants of Debtford, in the county of Kent, who opposed him, considered the witnesses evidence and proofes of either side, and are fully satisfied that the peticoner's manner of Hatcham doth lye in the county of Surrey and not in the county of Kent, and ought to be taxed to the busines of the shipping in and with the county of Surrey and not with Kent; all which wee humbly leave to your lordships' wisdoms. Vltimo Maij, 1636.

"Fr. Crawley.
"Ric. Weston.