Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/265

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pension of £20, granted by Brother Thomas l'Archer, and to pay the rent to the Prior of St. Saviour of Bermondsey, and that it was only worth beyond those payments twenty marks.

23rd June, 1505, Sir Thomas Docwra, Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and his brethren, knights of the same hospital, demised to Ralph Bothomley of Horsadowne, yeoman, "their water myln called, St. John's Myln, situate at Horsadowne in the county of Surrey, with all the meadows and pastures, housings and appurtenances, thereunto belonging, for the term of forty years, from St. John's Day then last, at the yearly rent of £8."

And by another lease, dated 11th January, 1514, the prior and his brethren demised to the said Balph Bothomley, "their water mylle situated at Horseadown in the countie of Surrey, with all the meadows and pastures, ponds, banks, waters and courses of water, and all howsings to the same appertaining, with the highway leading from the said mylle into Horseadowne aforesaid, that is to wyte, from the lowe water mark of the rever Thamys up into Horseadowne; and also all that their common in Horseadowne for his cattle, which common conteyneth seven acres of ground, little more or less, that is to wite, from the said lane end called Saint John's Lane, over Horsdowne, unto the lane end leading to another lane called Fivefoot Lane [now Bussell Street], which seven acres of pasture, more or less, belongeth only to the said Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem; and also common for his cattle upon the residue of the whole common of Horseadowne, and free course to and from the aforesaid common, with all manner his carriages, without any letting or interruption of any man, person, or persons: And over and above that, the said prior