Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/270

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Goodear, in consideration of £4, released and confirmed Horselydown to the Governors of the Grammar School. The following extract from the churchwardens' accounts relating to these transactions is rather curious:—

"Expence about the sute of Horseydowne as followeth:—
It'm botehier to the Temple to our Counsellor viiid.
It'm pd Mr. Foster for his fee xs.
It'm pd Mr. Cowper for his fee the same tyme xs.
It'm to search in the Courte of Augmentacion for the Surveay of the Abbey of Bermondsey iis.
It'm to the Sherieff for copie of the names of ye Jurie vid.
It'm spent the 19 day of Nov. at breckfaste upon or lawyer iis. vd.
It'm the 22 day of Novr to or Counsellor xs.
It'm paid the 12 day of December to Mr. Danbey for the exemplyficacion of the verdict Liis.
It'm the 25th of January, we went to talke with Mr. Goodyer, and he appointed us to meet at the Tempell with our Counsell and his, and so we went to Westminster up and downe and to the Tempell and home xs. viiid.
It'm pd Mr. Cowper or Counseylour xxs.
It'm to Mr. Hitchecoke, Counseylour for Mr. Goodyer, to see the deade sealed, and for helpinge us to make a deade xs.
It'm P'd Mr. Goodyer to seale or feoffment iiijli.
It'm Expended in takinge possession of the Downe the 27th daye of Januarye, 1586, upon loves of bread for boys xiid.
It'm for a dynner the same day in Fyshe Streate, for certayne of the P'ishe

The parish butts were on Horsey down. In Hilary Term, 5 Edw. VI., an information had been filed in the Exchequer by William Martin, of London, fletcher, against Hugh Eglefeld and Geoffrey Wolfe, churchwardens, for not having butts for the exercise of archery in the said parish of St. Olave, pursuant to the statute of 33 Henry VIII.; in consequence of which proceedings the butts were soon afterwards erected on Horseydown.