Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/287

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servant my hanger and my dager with all that longeth to theym, my whyt fustian doblet, a lute and the case thereto. Item, I bequeth to the comon box of the brethered of Seynt Antony xiid. The residew of all my goods not bequethed, after that my debts ben payed, my burying made, and this my will fulfylled, I bequeth holy unto Mawde my wife, therewith to do and dyspose at her own free will. And of this my testament I make and ordeyn the said Maude my hole executrix. In witness whereof hereto I have set my seall. Written the clay and yer' aforesaid. These witnesses, Syr Hugh Newton, prest, and William Camp, notary."

The following have since been communicated by Miss Bockett to the Surrey Archaeological Society, through Mr. Corner:—

The Will of Alice Nicoll, Widow, of Kingston, 12th July, 1515.

"In the Name of God, Amen. The 12th day of the moneth of July, the yere of our Lorde God 1515. I, Alice Nicoll, of Kyngston upon Theniys, in the countie of Suit', within the diocese of Winchester, calling to my remembrance the unstedfastness of this present transitory life, knowying the day of my departing from the same fast comyng, and not beyng in rediness nor provided for the same, according to the good and laudable custome amongste every gode Cristen man and woman used, and now beyng in perfect memory & stedfast mind, laud be Almighty God, make, ordeyne, & devyse this my present testament & last will concerning my goods and catells moveables, after the forme as followeth. First, I bequeth my soule to Almyghty God, my Maker and Rediemer, and to his blessed Mother our Lady Seynt Mary, and to all the celestial company of Hevyn, and my body to be burid in the churchyarde of Alhalowes,