Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/289

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a brokyn legge, a harvest gurdill with a murrey course and a posnet. Item, I bequeth to Isabell Nicoll my table standing in the hall. Also I bequeth to Alice Kemp a pair of sheets, a pewter platter, a pewter dishe, a sawcer, my best gown, & my best beyds. Also to Harry Mademor, my servant, 3s. 4d. Also to Mawde Call my best smocke and a good kerchef. Also I bequeath to every of my godchildren 4d. The residue of all, my detts paide and this my testament and last will fulfilled, I give and bequeth to my iii daughters. And I ordain for my executors, Harry Nicoll and Harrye Northrege, they to dispose for the welth of my soule as they shall think most best God to please, and every of them to have for his labor 3s. 4d These witness, John Dering, curate, William Morer, Thos Jestelyn, with other mo'."

The Will of John Bannoh, Mynstrell, 22nd November, 1514.

"In Nomine Dei, Amen. Be it knowne to all men by this present writyng, that I, John Bannok, mynstrell, make my will, with a hole mynde unto God and to the world, the 22nd day of Novembre, and in the yere of the reigne of Kyng Harry the VIIIth the iiiith yere. The first part, I bequeth my soule unto God and to our Blessed Lady, and to all the holy company of Hevyn; the seconde pt, I bequeth my body to be buried in the holy grave, where as my last mynde is for to be burid; the iii d pt, I make my wife my hole executrix, and she for to fulfill my will, and for to receyve my detts, and she for to pay my detts, and my gode Maistr, William Brown, merchant of the stapell, for to be overseer, for to se my will fulfilled, and he for to have for his labor, vis. viiid. Also I bequeth to the brotherhod of Mynstrelles of