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London, founder of the monastery of St. Saviour, Bermondsey, with the king's licence gave to the monks of that monastery certain rents in the city of London, before King William II. gave them the manor of Bermondsey, and thereby induced other donations, temporal as well as spiritual, to be given to the same.

Register of Bermondsey Abbey.

A.D. 1096, 9 Will. II.Peter of St. Olave's gave the land of Hoddesdon[1] to the Monks of Bermondsey, which gift was confirmed by King William II. and King Henry I.

Annales Abbatice Sancti Salvatoris de Bermundsei, Harl. MS.

A.D. 1122.—Thomas Arderne and Thomas his son gave to the Priory of Bermondsey the advowson of the Church of St. George, Southwark.

Richard de Boterwick by deed poll gave to God and Saint Mary and the blessed Thomas the Martyr, and to the works of London Bridge, 8s. quit rent, which Robert de Bareuill, his uncle, annually paid out of a certain messuage called the Grange, in the parish of St. Olave, Southwark. Witnesses, Serlon Mercer and William Almain, then procurators of the bridge; Robert, chaplain of the said bridge; Walter de Folcham, &c.

A.D. 1378.—On Tuesday next after the feast of St. Edmond the king (20th Nov.) 1378, John Mockyng, of

  1. Sic in MS., but query if not Horsedon?