Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/300

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{inter alia) left to the four parish churches iu South- wark, viz., St. Margaret's, St. George's, St. Olave's, and St. Mary Magdalene near Berrnondsey, each of them severally 13s. 4d. for the adornment and lighting the same churches ; and to each parish priest or rector in the cure of the same for the time being, resident and serving the church, 6s. 8cl., to sing and pray for his soul.

Gent's Mag., 1835 ; Todd's Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer, 87 — 90 / and Gouglis Sepid. Mons., ii. 25.

A.D. 1424. — Nicholas Mockyng, Master of the College of St. Lawrence, Pountney, by his will of this date, directs his obit to be celebrated in the church of St. Olave, Southwark, for two years after his death, and

gives to the fabric of the said church 13s. 4eZ.

Prerog. Office.

A.D. 1428. — Thomas Mockyng, clerk, son of Thomas Mockyng, citizen and baker of London ; his will in

Prerog. Office.

24ith April, 1429. — Robert Mokkyng, citizen and vintner of London, by his will of this date, willed that Thos. E,olf, William Daventry, Egbert Aubury, and Thomas Cok, feoffees of his messuages or tenements in Southwark — to wit, an inn or tenement called the White Horse ; a tenement called the Castle ; a house with two shops, which John Dekene held and inhabited ; a tene- ment held and occupied by Ptobert Levelyng Bocher ; a mansion which Thomas Burgh held, near the church of St. Olave — should be sold ; and out of the proceeds he gave 20 marks yearly for his obit in St. Olave's church for 20 years, and the residue for works of charity. He