Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/361

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A. Abbot of Battle, his residence at Horsely- down, 159 Abbots of St. Augustine's, the house of, adjoining St. Olave's Church, 158 Abdy, Sir Wm., family of, at Horselydown, 166 Abel, John, grant of free warren to, 129 ; escheatnient of his lands, 136 Adam, Abbot, of Chertsey Abbey, 91 n. Adam, John, his possessions in the manor of Hatcham, 136, 137 Adam de Bavent, grant of land to, 127 ; summoned to Parliament, ib. Adam de Strattone, grant of land made by, 124 ; his lands forfeited, 126 Alfred, Anglo-Saxon charter of, granted to Chertsey Abbey, 79, 82, 95 Ainslie, Mr., his account of a gold ring, xvi. Alfred, the first king who parcelled the kingdom into counties, hundreds, &c, 7 Alianore de Bohun, monumental brass of, 228 Allhallows Church, Barking, Flemish brasses in, 222 Almner's Barn, locality of, 90 n. Alynson, John, will of, 199 Anglo-Saxon annals, notices of the, 38 Anglo-Saxon kings crowned at Kingston, 53, 54 Anglo-Saxons, ancient charters of the, 77 et seq. ; landmarks of the, 77, 78 Anne, duchess of Somerset, the manor of Hatchambarnes granted to, 138 Anthony St. Leger, Sir, proprietor of Horselydown, 158 Antiquities exhibited by Mr. Hart, viii. ; collection of, contributed for exhibition, ix., xv., xvii., xxiv. Appaire, Wm., lessee of the manor of Hatcham, 138 Arbour Lows, of Derbyshire, notices of the, 209 and n. Archaeological societies, their objects and importance, 213, 214 Archeology, real objects of, xi., xii. ; of the county of Surrey, 1 et seq.; apathy of previous times upon, 1; true value of, ib. ; societies for the promotion of, 2, 3 ; religious bearing of, upon architecture and art, 14 et seq.; promotion of the study of, through the means of learned societies, 214 et seq. Architecture, religious bearing of archae- ology upon, 14 Arderne, Thomas, gift to Priory of Ber- mondsey, 191 Armour, represented in monumental brasses, 226; its decadence illustrated thereby, 227; value of the representations of, ib. ; of Sir John d'Aubernoun, 233 Arms, coat of, first chartered on monu- mental brasses, 227 Arms and armour, exhibition of ancient, xviii. Art, religious bearing of archaeology upon, 14 Artillery Hall of the Southwark trained bands, 177 ; converted into a work- house, 178 ; Mr. Webb's description of the, 178, 179 Athelstan, notices of, 46, 56 Austen, Mr. R. G., his paper on Guildford Castle, xxii. Autographs, collection of, xxv. Aveley Church, Essex, Flemish brasses in, 222 B. Bagot, Sir Wm., monumental brass of, 228 Bannok, John, will of, 183 Barrow, ancient British, excavated at Ted- dington, xvi., 74 Bartholomew of Winchester, abbot of Chert- sey, 112 Bartillot, Stephen, of Horselydown, 162 Bartrop, Mr. T. R., the society's local secretary for Chertsey, xiv., xx. Batailbrigg, of Southwark, 163 Bavent, family of, connected with the manor of Hatcham, 123 et seq. Beauchamp, Earl Simon de, monumental brass of, 231 Beddington, Surrey, monumental brass at, 235 ; family of Carew of, 240 2 K