Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/369

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William the Conqueror, his invasion of England, 7 William de Hamelton, manor of Hateham granted to, 129 William de Kaynes, grant of land to, 133 William de Peck, possessor of the manor of Hateham, 135 William de Pyncehek, grant of land to, 132 William de Thorpe, possessor of the manor of Hateham, 135 William de Walleworth, grant of land to, 136 Wilham de Wymundham, holds Hateham Barnes in custody, 129 Williams, John, manor of Hateham granted to, 140 Wills and deeds of persons resident in Surrey, 180 et seq ; of Richard Knyvet, 180 ; 'of Alice Xicoll, 181 ; of John Ban- nok, 183; of Gyfl'ray Gough, 184; of Rohert Sutton, 185 ; of Harry Lutman, 187; of Wm. Smyth, 187; collection of, relating to Southwark, 190 et seq. ; of Alwin Child, 190; of Peter of St. Olave's, Thomas Arderne, Richard de Boterwick, and John Mokyng, 191; of Wilham Burcestre, 192 ; of John Gower, 193; of Nicholas, Thomas, and Robert Mockyng, 194; of William Wykes and John Burcestre, 195 ; of Robert Rogers, John Webster, and Peter Maton, 198; of John Alynson, 199; of Richard Mynar and Thomas Colstone, 200; of Henry Leke, or Leeke, and son, 201 ; of Master Sampson, 202 Wimbledon, battle of, 6 Wintredeshulle, locality of, 83 n. Wipesdane, a parish boundary of Chobham, 92 n. Wittenagemots, holding of, 46 Wlfare, king of Mercia, 80, 81 Woden, worship of, at Croydon, 206 ; temple of, 207 Woodcote, ancient importance of, 212 Wotton, family of, in Horselydown, 162 Wulfere, king of Mercia, 6 Wykes, William bequests of, 195 T. Yeyele, Henry, of Horselydown, 162, 163 Z. Xalfield, coronation ceremony on the, 36 END OE VOL. I. COX AM Avy.MA> PBHTTEBSj GI;IAT QTTEMS BIEEET, LOKDOK.