Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/37

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A Massive Antique Key, formerly belonging to Old Trinity Church. By Mrs. Beloe.

Roman Sepulchral Urn, Vase, Lamps, and Bottle, Earthen Stamp for wax, Bronze Celts, Leaves of the Papyrus, &c. By C. B. Cayley, Esq.

Ancient Coins, Seals, Tiles, Keys, &c., and two Singular Cannon-balls discovered in excavating for the Railway, near Guildford. By Mr. John Nealds.

A number of Ancient Coins, found principally in Fields adjacent to Guildford, were exhibited by the Misses Duncomb, Samuel Sharp, Esq., and B. Stedman, Esq.

Mr. Webb, Hon. Sec., exhibited a Collection of Autographs of British Military and Naval Commanders, commencing with Howard, Earl of Nottingham, who defeated the Spanish Armada; and comprising Letters and Documents of Sir John Hawkins, Monk, Duke of Albemarle, Lord Fairfax, Edward Russell, Earl of Orford, &c.

The proceedings of the evening were much enlivened by the performances of the fine band of the 2nd Royal Surrey Militia, which, by the kind permission of Colonel the Earl of Lovelace, attended both at the Dinner and the Conversazione.

On Friday the 29th, Excursions were made to Sutton Place, Newark Abbey, and to that fine old mansion Loseley House, and the interesting Church at Compton.

During the succeeding day, the Collection of Antiquities and Works of Art was thrown open gratuitously to the public. Several hundreds of persons, chiefly inhabitants of the town, availed themselves of the privilege. The Rev. C. Boutell attended in the evening, and repeated his remarks upon the Chertsey Tiles and the Surrey Brasses, adding notices of the other objects of curiosity in the Exhibition. The band of the Militia was again in attendance.

In concluding this Report, it becomes a bounden duty to bear grateful testimony to the kind and hearty welcome with which the Society was received in Guildford, and to record the excellent services rendered by the Local Committee, as well as by our zealous and very active Local Secretary, Henry F. Napper, Esq.


A Special General Meeting was held in Southwark on the 30th of October, 1855. The use of the Branch School-room of St. Olave, in Magdalene-street, Tooley-street, was kindly granted on this occasion by the Warden of the School, John Ledger, Esq. The Chair was occupied by William Pritchard, Esq., High Bailiff of Southwark, and Vice-President of the Society.[1]

  1. During the commencement of the proceedings, Mr. Pritchard not having arrived, the Chair was occupied by Robert Hesketh, Esq., Member of the Council.