Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/377

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ME. REEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 29. Dr. Hooker, F.R.S. Flora of New Zealand. By Joseph Dalton Hooker, M.D., F.R.S., etc. In 2 volumes. With 130 Plates. Royal 4to, price £12. 12s. coloured, £8. 15s. plain. 30. T. C. Archer. First Steps to Economic Botany ; A Description of the Botanical and Commercial Characters of the Chief Articles of Vegetahle Origin used for Food, Clothing, Tanning, Dyeing, Building, Medicine, Perfumery, etc. For the use of Schools. By Thomas C. Aechee. With 20 plates. Published for the Department of Science and Art, Marlborough House. Royal lfimo, price 2*. 6d. 31. T. C. Archer. Popular Economic Botany ; Or, Description of the Botanical and Commercial Characters of the prin- cipal Articles of Vegetable Origin used for Food, Clothing, Tanning, Dyeing, Building, Medicine, Perfumery, etc. By Thomas C. Arches. With 20 coloured plates. Royal lGino, price 10,?. 6d. 32. Dr. Seemann, F.L.S. Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, Under the command of Captain Kellett, R.N., C.B., during the Years 1845-51. By Dr. Berthold Seemann, F.L.S. Published under the authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. With 100 plates. Royal 4to, price £5. 10*. 33. Dr. Seemann, F.L.S. Popular History of the Palms. By Dr. Berthold Seemann, F.L.S. With 20 tinted landscapes in chromo-lithography. Royal 16mo, price 10s. (jd.