Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/385

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MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 15 63. Miss M. E. Catlow. Popular Scripture Zoology ; Containing a Familiar History of the Animals mentioned in the Bible. By Maria E. Catlow. AYith 16 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10,?. &d. 64. T. C. Archer. A Series of Eight School Plant Diagrams, Illustrative of ' First Steps to Economic Botany,' by T. C. Arcuer, Esq. Published for the Department of Science and Art, Marlborough House. Price 3*. 6d. coloured, 2*. plain, per Diagram. 65. H. Edwards, LL.D. Illustrations of the Wisdom and Benevolence of the Deity, as manifested in Nature. By H. Edwards, LL.D. 16mo, price 2s. &d. 66. Dairy Farming. The Rearing and Feeding of Dairy Stock, and the Management of their Produce. By Ruricola. Crown 8vo, price 5s. 67. Piscarius. TJie Artificial Production of Fish. By Piscarius. Third Edition. Price Is.