Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 7.djvu/314

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The ceiling of the chancel was decorated with choice plaster medallions, each about five inches square, bear- ing devices of the "Pelican in her piety ," fleur-de-lis, and crosse fleury. As far as I can recollect, they were arranged in the form of crosses on either side.

The bell-turret at the west end is probably coeval with the wooden porch on the north, and the Perpendicular work at the east end c. 1460. The wooden campanile of Hogston Church, Bucks, is the only structure of the kind which I can compare with this, the timbers rising from the very basement; but, whilst this leans for support against the walls and timbers of the nave, thai is constructed within the western corner of the north aisle. The belfry stair at Elstead is composed of one heavy slab of oak, the steps being cut into it.

There were three bells in 1549, weighing respectively 2½ 9 3, and 4 cwt. "by extimacion."

There should have been three bells in 1865, when the present peal was made by "Warner at a cost of 461. 16s. lid., the old metal being appraised at 37Z. Os. 3d. ; but the churchwardens had sold the second bell and a fragment of the tenor, to defray some of their church expenses. The treble and tenor of the old peal were thus inscribed : " 1 BRYANUS ELDRIDGE FECIT ME. 1653." "3 JOHN BAYLEY, JOHN MARTIN c.w., KICHARD PHELP MADE ME. 1717." The following is a list of some of the earlier curates of Elstead : 1513. " S r William Nox parish priest." (Will quoted by Manning and Bray.) 1543. " Lancelotus Haulton presbiterf erat sepultf 5 die Augusti A Do. ut sup." (Elstead Reg.) 1549. " James Sucante curate of Helsted." (Reg.) 1607. "Edward Welshe curate of the par of Elstead was buried xiiij April." (Reg.) 1629. " Gulielmus Parris minister." (Reg.) 1674. "Edmond Parker minister." (Reg.) ("he baptzied Mch : Wheeler aged 24 at Farnham Castle Feb : 169f .") (Reg.) 1716. "Martin Gruchy curate." (Reg.) 1749. "Henry Strudwicke curate of E. to 1757." (Reg.)