Page:Survival Under Atomic Attack.djvu/12

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Naturally, the radioactivity that passes through EVEN CANNED AND BOTTLED FOODS MAY BE IRRADIATED, BUT IT WILL STILL BE SAFE TO USE THEM. the walls of your house won't be stopped by tin or glass. It can go right through canned and bottled foods. However, this will not make them dangerous, and it will not cause them to spoil. Go ahead and use them, provided the containers are not broken open.


VOMITING AND DIARRHEA ARE THE FIRST SIGNS OF RADIATION SICKNESS. Should you be caught upstairs or in the open at the time of a bombing, you might soak up a serious dose of explosive radioactivity. Even so, the first indication that you had been pierced by the rays probably wouldn't show up for a couple of hours. Then you most likely would get sick at your stomach and begin to vomit. However, you might be sick at your stomach for other reasons, too, so vomiting won't always mean you have radiation sickness. The time it would take you to get sick would depend on how strong a dose you got. EVEN IF YOU SHOULD GET SEVERE RADIATION SICKNESS YOU WOULD HAVE BETTER THAN AN EVEN CHANCE OF RECOVERY. The stronger the dose, the quicker you would get sick. For a few days you might continue to feel below par and about 2 weeks later most of your hair might fall out. By the time you lost your hair you would be good and sick. But in spite of it all, you would still stand better than an even chance of making a complete recovery, including having your hair grow in again.