Page:Survival Under Atomic Attack.djvu/14

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BASEMENTS GIVE SHELTER AGAINST BLAST AND HEAT, AND RADIOACTIVITY. tion. Because, the lower you get, the more barriers against radiation there are likely to be between you and the bursting bomb. Down in the cellar you'll probably be shielded not only by other buildings, but also by earth and the cement foundations of your own house. Earth, concrete and steel are good radiation barriers.

IF YOU HAVE NO BASEMENT, LOCATE A SHELTER YOU CAN REACH QUICKLY. If you have no basement, look around your immediate neighborhood for a nearby shelter you can get to quickly in an emergency. Such a shelter might be a culvert, a deep gully, or another building within easy reach. If you live in rolling country, there is probably a hill close to you. Even a high bank will offer some protection from most bursts if it is between you and the explosion. In choosing your shelter, assume that the enemy will aim for the industrial buildings.

CYCLONE CELLARS ARE EXCELLENT. If you live in a State where there is danger from sudden storms like cyclones or hurricanes, you may have a "cyclone cellar" or something similar. If so, you have a shelter that will give excellent protection against atomic bombs.


"FIREPROOF HOUSEKEEPING" IS IMPORTANT. Starting right now you should go in for "fireproof housekeeping." Don't let trash pile up around your house and always keep it in covered containers.

Continued on page 19.