Page:Survival Under Atomic Attack.djvu/26

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YOU CAN GET RID OF ALL THE RADIOACTIVE DIRT YOU'VE PICKED UP IF YOU KEEP SCRUBBING. hair, for that is one place where the wastes are sure to pile up. Also give your hands a good scrubbing and get all dirt out from under your fingernails. If there is a radiological defense man handy, have him check you with his meter after you've finished your clean-up. Should he find your body still radioactive, again scrub yourself from head to foot. Then do it a third time if necessary. You can remove practically all of the radioactivity if you keep at it.

Remember all this is necessary only for persons who have come in contact with radioactive materials in heavily contaminated areas.


A few simple steps will go a long way toward keeping your house from being contaminated by lingering radioactive wastes scattered about in some bombings. KEEP ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS CLOSED UNTIL IT IS OFFICIALLY REPORTED THAT THERE IS NO POLLUTION IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. As a rule, it is far easier to prevent radioactive pollution of a household than it is to remove it.

Keep all windows and doors closed for at least several hours after an atomic bombing. In fact, better leave them shut until civil defense authorities pass the word that there is no lingering radioactivity in your neighborhood. Should you get an official report that there is serious contamination in the vicinity, better cover all broken windows with blankets or cardboard.