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(Definitive Aphorisms or Fundamental principles), Nidanam (Etiology), Sharira-Sthanam (Anatomy and Physiology), Chikitsa-Sthanam (Therapeutics) and Kalpa-Sthanam (Toxicology). Subjects other than the preceding ones will be discussed in the closing chapters of the book by way of an Appendix (Uttara-Tantram).

Authoritative verse on the subject:—The man who reads this Eternal Science of Medicine (Ayurveda-Shastram) discoursed by the self-origined Brahma and propagated by the King of Kasi, becomes noted for his piety, is honoured by the kings on earth, and attains to the region of Indra (the lord of the celestials) after death.

Thus ends the first chapter of the Sutra-Sthanam in the Sushruta Samhita which deals with the origin of the Ayurveda.