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down and collected from the fumigating compound described above], should be rubbed over the region of the heart and other vital parts of the patient, and the floor of the chamber should be washed and sprinkled over with drops of water previously kept in a (new) pitcher for the purpose. The rites of protection from the influences of baneful spirits, should then be performed by reciting the Mantra which runs as follows:—"I am about to practise the prophylactic incantation for guarding thy person against the malignant influences of Rakshas and conjured demonesses, and may the god Brahma be graciously pleased to approve of its performance. May the Gods and deities and ministers of grace disperse and confound the hosts of wrathful Nagas (celestial serpents), Pishachas, Gandharvas and Pitris that might be maliciously disposed to strike thee in thy sickly confinement. May the spirits, which stir abroad in the night and roam about in the sky and on earth, defend thy person in recognition of thy fervent devotion to them. May the concourse of Brahma-begotten sages (such as, Sanaka, etc.), the saintly and canonised kings (Rajarshis) in heaven and the sacred mounts, streams and oceans of the earth protect thee from evil. May the fire-god guard thy tongue; the wind-god protect thy breath; and the Moon-god, Parjanya, Vidyut (lightning) and the spirit of the clouds preserve the healthy coursings of those vital winds in thy organism which are respectively known as Vyana,