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into (increasingly progressive but smaller subdivisions) such as, Nimeshas (lit:—time taken in closing the eyelids), Kashthas, Kalas, Muhurtas, days and nights, fortnights, months, seasons, solstices, years and Yugas.

Time taken in articulating any of the short vowels (such as A. etc.), is called an Akshi-Nimesha. Fifteen Akshi-Nimeshas make one Kashtha. Thirty Kashthas make one Muhurta. Thirty Muhurtas make one day and night. Fifteen days and nights make one fortnight. A fortnight is either dark or bright. Two fortnights make one month. The twelve months such as, Magha, etc. are divided into six seasons such as, Winter, Spring, Summer, Rains, Autumn and Hemanta, each consisting of two months.

The two months known as Tapas and Tapasya (Magha and Phalguna) constitute the season of winter. Spring consists of two months called Madhu and Madhava (Chaitra and Vaishaka). Summer is marked by two months known as Shuchi and Shukra (Jaistha and Ashadha). The rains or the rainy season is marked by two months called Nabhas and Nabhasya (Shravana and Bhadra) The two months known as Isha and Urja (Ashvina and Kartika) constitute what is called the season of Autumn. Hemanta is marked by two months called Sahas and Sahasya (Agrahayana and Pousha). These six seasons are respectively characterised by cold, heat, rains, etc.