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Authoritative verse on its computation:—In the present work, as well as in other works of recognised authority, a month is calculated to consist of eighteen thousand and ninety Kalas.

The said Rasa courses through the whole body in invisible currents of zigzag shape, like the waves of sound, or in (an upward direction) like flames of fire, or (in a downward direction) like rivulets of water.

    factors, viz, its excreted portion goes towards the formation of such excreta as are found to be deposited in the corners of the eyes and inside the integuments of the prepuce, or about the region of the glans penis, its thick or condensed portion is transformed into the organic principle of flesh and its subtile essence is metamorphosed into fat. The fat, thus newly generated, enters into the organic principle; of that name, and there, by the native heat of the latter, is resolved into three factors, viz, its excreted portion is discharged through the pores of the skin in drops of perspiration, its condensed portion is assimilated in the organic principle of fat, and its subtile portion is metamorphosed into bone. Again the bone, in its nascent stage, enters into the organic principle of bone, and there, by the inherent heat of that principle, is resolved into three factors, viz, its excreted portion goes towards the formation of hairs, mustaches, etc, its thick or condensed portion is assimilated into the organic principle of bone, and its subtile portion is metamorphosed into marrow. The marrow, in its nascent state, enters into the organic principle of that name; and there matured under the native heat of that principle, it is resolved into three factors, viz, its excreted portion contributes towards the formation of gelatinous matter deposited in the corners of the eyes, and the oily secretions of the skin, its condensed portion is assimilated into the organic principle of marrow, and its subtile portion is metamorphosed into semen. The semen again, in its nascent stage, enters into the organic principle of that name and there matured under its native heat is resolved into two factors, viz. thick and thin. The thick portion is assimilated into the organic principle of semen, the thin one being metamorphosed into (albumen). Semen, like gold a thousand times purified, casts off no dregs. Hence certain authorities hold albumen (protoplasmic matter) to be the eighth or the culminating principle of the body.