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vation of eye-sight (Teja-Krit), the germination of heat and maintenance of the temperature of the body (Ushma-Krit), and the origination of the faculty of intellection (Medha-Krit) should be regarded as the functions of the five kinds*[1] of Pittam, which contribute to the preservation of the body through its thermogenetic potency (Agni-Karma).

The Shleshma.:—The function of the five kinds†[2] of Shleshma is to lubricate the interior of the joints (Sandhi-Samshleshanam), to contribute to the gloss of the body (Snehanam), to aid in the formation of healthy granules in sores (Ropanam), to add to the size of the body (Puranam), to build fresh tissues (Vrimhanam), to impart a pleasant or soothing sensation to the body (Tarpanam), to increase its strength (Valakrit), and to give firmness to the limbs (Sthairya-krit), thereby contributing to the welfare of the body by supplying it with its watery element.

The Rasa or the lymph chyle exercises a soothing effect upon the entire organism and tends

N.B:—The Vayu, Pittam, and Shleshma, (Kaphham), though ordinarily translated as wind, bile and phlegm, differ in their meaning from their usual English synonyms. We reserve the treatment of these subjects for a separate place in another part of the book when we shall have occasion to deal with the essentials of Ayurvedic Physiology—Tr.

  1. * They are named as Ranjaka. Pachaka, Sadhaka (Medhakrit and Ojakrit), Alochaka and Bhrajaka.
  2. † They are known as Shleshmaka, Kledaka, Vodhaka, Tarpaka, Avalamvaka.