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cavities or chambers of the body, looseness of the joints (a feeling as if the joints were all broken), thirst, weakness, and insomnia. In such cases the medical treatment should consist of remedial agents which are capable of directly contributing to the growth or formation of the humour so lost or deteriorated.

Similarly the loss of lymph chyle is marked by pain about the region of the heart, Angina Pectoris, with palpitation of the heart, a sensation of emptiness or gone-feeling in the viscus, and thirst. The loss of blood is attended with such symptoms as roughness of the skin, and a craving for acid food or drink. The patient longs to be in a cool place and asks for cool things, and the veins become loose and flabby. The loss of flesh is marked by emaciation of the buttocks, cheeks, lips, thighs, breasts, armpits,*[1] neck, and the calves of the legs. The arteries seem loose and flabby, and the body seems to be dry and inert, accompanied by an aching or gnawing pain in its members. The loss of fat is followed by such symptoms as the enlargement of the spleen, a sense of emptiness in the joints, and a peculiar dryness of the skin and a craving for cold and emollient meat. The degeneration of the bones is marked by an aching pain in the bones and bone-joints, a wasting of teeth and gums, and a general dryness of the body. Similarly, .

  1. * The armpits look thin, narrow and contracted.