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Chap. XV.]

somnolence and dropsical swelling brought about by a deranged state of the bodily Vayu, should be considered as natural consequences of the Vyapad (change of the natural virtues of albumen through contamination). The loss or waste of Ojah (albumen) is marked by such symptoms as fits of fainting, emaciation of the body, bewilderment and distraction of the mind, delirium and loss of consciousness and ultimately death.

The medical treatment in cases of dislodgment or flowing out external secretion) of albumen from its natural seat (Visransha), as well as in the event of it becoming contaminated by the vitiated principles of the body, should consist in improving its quantity by elixirs and remedies possessed of rejuvenating properties, tending to increase the quantity of such fluid (albumen) in the body. A patient who has lost all consciousness (owing to an excessive loss or waste of albumen) should be given up by a physician (as incurable).

The oily or albuminous matter found within the components of the other fundamental principles (Dhátu) of the body as metabolised by the internal heat and regularly metamorphosed into the succeeding (ones) should be grouped under the head of fiery or thermogenetic (Ágneya)) substances. This fatty matter (Vasá) predominates in the female organism and produces its peculiar softness,