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washed the blood with Dhanyamla and tepid water, if found vitiated through the action of the deranged (Vayu), or with milk and cold water in the event of the same being contaminated by the deranged Pittam, or with Suramanda and warm water in the case of its being vitiated by the action of the disordered Kapham, the surgeon shall bring about the adhesion by again scarifying the affected parts of the ear, so as not to leave the adhesioned parts elevated (raised), unequal and short. Of course the adhesion should be effected with the blood being still left in the parts that had been scraped. Then having anointed them with honey and clarified butter, they should be covered with cotton and linen, and tied with strings of thread, neither too loose nor too tight, and dusted over with powders of baked clay. Then directions should be given as regards the diet and nursing of the patient, who may be as well treated with the regimen laid down in the chapter on Dvi-vraniyam.

Authoritative verses on the subject:—The patient should be careful not to disturb the bandage and avoid physical exercise, over-eating, sexual intercourse, exposure to, or basking in, the glare of fire, fatiguing talk, and sleep by day. For three consecutive days the ulcer should be anointed with unboiled oil; and cotton soaked in the same substance should be placed over it, which is to be altered, each third day, till healing.