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Rhinoplastic operations:-Now I shall deal with the process of affixing an artificial nose.

    cribed for the patient. The physician who is well familiar with the actions of the deranged bodily humours as described above, should be looked upon as alone entitled to take in hand a case, which falls under the head of one of the preceding types.

    Now I shall enumerate the names of the several diseases which affect a severed lobe of the ear and describe the symptoms which each of them develops in succession. They are known as Utpátaka, Utpuluka, Shyáva, Bhrisam-kandujata, Avamantha, Sakanduka, Akundaka, Granthika, Jámvala, Srávi and Dáhavána. Now hear me discourse on the nature of medicinal treatment to be adopted in each of them.

    Remedies:—A plaster composed of the drugs known as Apámárga, Sarjarasa, Patala bark and Lakucha bark pasted togather, or a medicated oil prepared and boiled with the preceding substances should be applied in a case of the Utpátaka type, whereas a case of the Utputuka type would prove amenable to a medicinal plaster consisting of Shampáka, Shigru, Putika, the fat and marrow of a Godhá and the milk and bile of a she-deer, she-buffalo or sow, pasted together; or to a medicated unguent composed of the abovesaid substances duly boiled with oil. Similarly, a medicinal plaster composed of the drugs known as Gauri, Sugandhá, Shyámá, Anantá, Tanduliyakam, or an oil prepared and boiled with the extract of the preceding drugs, would prove beneficial in a case of the Shyáva type of the desease. In a case of the Vrisham-Sakundakam type, the affected part should be rubbed or lubricated with an unguent or medicated oil prepared with the boiled extract of Patha, Rasanjanam, Kshoudram, and warm Kanjikam. or a plaster composed of the same drugs and substances should be applied over the diseased locality.

    In a case of ulceration, the ulcerated ear-lobe should be rubbed with the oil prepared and boiled with the drugs known as Madhukam and Kshira-kakoli, or with those which form the group known as the Jivakadi-Varga; while in a case where Vringhanam measures are to be adopted, lard prepared from the fat of a Godha, boar, or snake might be used with advantage. In the Avamanthaka type the diseased ear-lobe should be washed and covered with a plaster composed of the drugs known as Prapaundarikam, Madhukam, Samanga and Dhavam, or rubbed with oil prepared and boiled with the same drugs. Similarly, a case of Kandu-Juta (accompanied with itching) would yield to a plaster composed of the drugs known as Sahadeva, Vishvadeva, and Saindhava salt pasted with goat's milk, or to the medicated oil boiled and prepared with the same drugs and substances.