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would be found to be the drawing of pus to a definite head (Pidayitavya Vrana).'

A dried medicinal plaster will prove useless or abortive, and may act as a caustic or corrosive agent. A medicinal plaster admits of being grouped under any of the three subheads of Pralepa, Pradeha and Álepana (according to its thickness or consistency) etc.

Medicinal plasters:—A medicinal plaster of the Pralepa class is applied thin and cold, and is made to be endued with an absorbing (Vishoshi) or non-absorbing (Avishoshi*[1]) property according to the nature of the effect desired.

On the other hand, a medicinal plaster of the Pradeha class is applied either thick or thin, warm or cold, and acts as a non-absorbent.

A medicinal plaster of the Álepana class stands midway between a Pralepa and a Pradeha.

Of these, a plaster of the Pralepana class is possessed of the efficacy of pacifying or restoring the deranged blood and Pittam to their normal condition. A plaster of the Pradeha class pacifies the deranged Váyu and Kapham and tends to bring about the union, purification, and healing (of an ulcer), causing the

  1. *As in the case of a Pidayitavya ulcer, described before, where the withdrawing or gathering of pus to a definite head is desired.