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such as, the particles of bone, dust, weeds, etc. Moreover, a constant exposure to heat or cold brings on varied pains, the ulcer develops into one of a malignant type, and the applied medicinal plasters are dried, encrusted and speedily fall off.

Metrical Texts:—A smashed, lacerated, fractured, dislocated, displaced bone, or a vein or a ligament similarly jeopardised, may be soon healed or set right with the help of a surgical bandage. The patient is enabled by such a means to lie down, or stand up or move about with ease. And an increased facility of rest or movement leads to speedy healing.

Cases where bandaging is prohibited:—Ulcers should not be bandaged at all that are due to the deranged condition of blood or Pittam, or to the effects of a blow or of any imbibed poison, and characterised by a sucking, burning pain, redness, or suppuration, as well as those which are incidental to burns, or to the applications of actual or potential cauteries marked by a sloughing or phagedenic character.

Metrical Texts:—An ulcer due to a scald in a leper or a carbuncle in a diabetic patient (Pidaka) as well as a fleshy condylomata due to a bite from a venomous rat, or any other poisonous ulcer should not be bandaged at all. The same rule should be observed

  • Different reading:—Pricking, burning pain.