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give rise to all the distressing symptoms, which are consequent upon an act of actual coitus under the circumstance.

Prohibited diet:—A diet consisting of newly harvested Dhanyam, Masha pulse, Sesamum, Kalaya, Kulattha, and Nishpaba should be avoided by an ulcer-patient. The pot-herbs known as Haritaka-shaka, acid, saline or pungent substances, treacle and its modifications, cakes, dried meat, dried pot-herbs, goat's flesh, mutton, meat of animals which are amphibious in their habits or which live close to water, lard, cold water, Krishara (a composition prepared with sesamum, Masha pulse and rice), Payasa (a sweetened preparation of rice, milk and sugar boiled together), curd, milk and whey should be regarded as unwholesome.

Metrical Texts:—Vegetables and articles which belong to the groups commencing from the one technically known as the Nava-Dhanya-Varga, and ending with the one known as the Takra-Varga, should be understood as possessed of the property of increasing the pus in an ulcer and of aggravating the deranged bodily humours. If in the habit of taking wine, an ulcer-patient will do well to avoid the use of spirituous liquors, such as Mairaya, Arishta, Asava, Sidhu, Sura and its varieties.*[1] An ulcer may develop

  1. *The species of wine which are made of the expressed juice of grapes and are antacids in their virtues, as well as those mentioned under the head of Haemoptysis, may be given to an ulcer-patient.