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catch the image of any external object presented to the eyes.

The Bhrajakagni:-The Pittam, which has its seat in the skin, is called the Bhrajakagni (illuminating or irradiating heat) inasmuch as it absorbs the substances used in the shape of unguents. lubrications, etc. and irradiates the glow of one's natural complexion.

Metrical texts:-The Pittam is a keen, sharp and warm liquid, of a blue colour (in its normal state), or yellowish (in its deranged condition). It emits a kind of fleshy smell and is possessed of a pungent taste which is transformed into an acid one when deranged or vitiated.

Seats of Shleshma (Kapham):—Now we shall describe the locations of Kapham. The stomach (Amashaya), which is the seat of Kapham, occupies the same position as regards its location to that of Pittam as the sun holds in relation to that of the moon. And since the stomach (Amashaya) is situated above the pancreas (Pittashaya), and is endowed with a property (cooling) contrary to the primary virtue (heating) of Pittam, and, since the heat emitted by the receptacle of Pittam is naturally radiated in an upward direction, the four kinds of food, brought in to the stomach (Amashaya), are boiled and transformed into a soft placid mass (chyme), like rice boiled in a bowl full of water placed over a