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Chap. XXI.]

deranged Vayu; yellowness of the affected part (due to the action of the deranged Pittam, and diminution of the bodily heat, heaviness of the limbs, and a sense of languor (due to the action of the diseased Kapham), and a natural repugnance for causes (factors) which lead to their respective aggravations or accumulations. The medical treatment should be commenced as soon as the symptoms, peculiar to their accumulation, would become manifest.

Humours and their aggravations:—Now we shall enumerate the causes which agitate and (aggravate) the deranged humours. The bodily Vayu is aggravated by such factors (conduct, practices and diet, etc.) as, wrestling with a wrestler of superior strength, violent gymnastic exercises, sexual excesses, excessive study, a headlong plunge into water or a leap from an inordinate height, running, a violent pressing blow, leaping over a ditch, a bounding gait, swimming, keeping of late hours, carrying of heavy loads, excessive riding, walking a long distance and the partaking of a food into the composition of which pungent, astringent, bitter, light or parchifying articles, or substances of cool potency, largely enter. Diets consisting of dried pot-herbs, Vallura, Varaka, Uddalaka, Karadusha, Shyamaka, Nivara, Mudga, Masura, Adhaki, Harenu, Kalaya, and Nishpava tend to aggravate the bodily Vayu.