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themselves in the one brought about by the concerted action of all the deranged humours (Sannipatikam).

Colours of Vranas:—Now we shall describe the colours assumed by the several types of ulcers. An ulcer, due to the action of the deranged vayu, is rough and black, red, or ash-coloured, or is of the colour of a bone, or a pigeon. An ulcer, caused by the action of the deranged blood or Pittam, is coloured either blue, yellow, greenish-brown, black, reddish-tawny or flame-coloured. An ulcer due to the action of the deranged Kapham is white, grey and glossy. An ulcer, due to the combined action of the three deranged bodily humours, may assume any colour peculiar to them.

Authoritative verses on the subject:—Not only in the cases of Vrana, but in all (inflammatory) swellings of whatsoever type, the physician should carefully observe the nature of the local pain, and the colour of the epidermis.

Thus ends the twenty-second Chapter of the Sutrasthanam in the Sushruta Samhita which Heats of secretion from different types of ulcers.