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[ Chap. XXIII.

in ano opening inward should be regarded as hard to cure.

Authoritative verse on the subject:—An ulcer (Vrana) appearing in a leper (Kushthi) or in a person suffering from diabetes (Madhu-meha), or from Shosha (lit: pulmonary-consumption) or from the effects of poison, as well as the one appearing in a pre-existing ulcer, should be looked upon as curable only with the greatest difficulty.

Yapya ulcers:-An ulcer incidental to, and affecting the seat of any of the following diseases, viz. Avapathika (paraphimosis), or Niruddha-Prakash (phimosis), or Sanniruddha-guda (constriction of the anus), (or Jathara abdominal-dropsy), or Granthi (glandular inflammation), and characterised by the germination of parasites in its interior, as well as the one appearing in the cavity of the abdomen, or affecting the mucous linings of the intestines, or brought about by the corrosive secretions of a nasal catarrh (Pratishyaya), and infested with parasites, should be considered as only admitting of a palliative treatment. Similarly palliation is the only remedy in the case of an ulcer which appears in a patient suffering from any morbid secretion from the urethra (Prameha) or from any form of cutaneous affections, marked by worms in its inside.

Likewise a case of gravel (Sharkara), or urinary