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[ Chap. XXIV.

and the births of dwarfs and pigmies. This type, in its turn, admits of two sub-divisions, according as the disease is due to the action of the deranged lymph-chyle (Rasa-krita), or to an ungratified desire of the mother during gestation, or to her gratification of any improper longing or conduct during pregnancy (Dauhridyam).

Dosha-vala-pravritta:—The Dosha-vala-pravritta (idiopathic) type is due to the action of any of the fundamental bodily humours deranged by an improper diet, or resulting from the dynamical energies of the mind, such as (Rajas and Tamas, etc). This type may be classified under two sub-heads, according as the disease is found to have its origin in the Amashaya (stomach), or in the Pakvashaya (intestines), and each of these again may be further divided into two main sub-divisions such as the physical and the mental. The three preceding kinds of diseases include within their category disorders which are called mental or psychical (Ádhyátmikam).

Samgha'ta-vala-Pravritta:—The Traumatic type (Samghatha-vala-pravritta) includes diseases that are caused by an external blow or are due to wrestling with an antagonist of superior strength. They may be sub-divided into minor divisions, according as the disease is due to an external wound, or to the bite from any fierce beast or