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Now we shall discourse on the Chapter which deals with the modes of extracting splinters (Shalya-paniya-madhyayam) .

There are two kinds of Shalyas. A Shalya is either loose or firmly fixed to its seat within the body. We shall presently speak of the fifteen different modes of extracting a loose Shalyam, which are as follows, viz.: Extraction by natural expulsive functions of the body (Svabhaba), by suppuration or putrefication (Pachanam), by excising (Bhedanam), by bursting (Daranam), by pressing (Pidanam), by rubbing (Pramarjanam), by blowing with the mouth of medicinal powders into the affected part (Nirdhmapanam), by the administration of emetics (Vamanam), by an exhibition of purgatives (Virechanam) by washing (Prakshalanam), by friction with the fingers (Pratimarsha), by straining as at the time of defecation (Pravahanam), by sucking (Achushanam), by applying a magnet (Ayaskanta) and by exhilarating (Harsham).

An embedded foreign matter is usually expelled from the eyes, etc, by inducing lachrymation, sneezing, eructation, coughing, micturition, defecation, and the emission of flatus.

A Shalyam, or any other foreign matter which has