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[ Chap. XXVII.

should be evacuated by administering purgatives (Virechanam).

The pus or any other morbid matter found within the cavity of an ulcer should be removed by washing it, while incarcerated flatus, or obstructed scybala or retained urine, or obstructed foetus, should be borne down and expelled by means of straining.

Any deranged Vayu or watery secretion incarcerated in any part of the body, as well as poisoned blood or vitiated breast-milk, should be sucked off with the mouth, or with a horn.

A loose, unbarbed arrow, lodged in a wound with a broad mouth and lying in an Anuloma direction, should be withdrawn by applying a magnet to its end. A shaft of grief, driven into the heart by any of the multifarious emotional causes, should be removed by exhilaration and merry-making.

A shaft (Shalyam), whether large or small, may be withdrawn from its place in either of the two ways known as the Anuloma and Pratiloma. The Anuloma consists in withdrawing a Shalyam through a way other than that of its penetration, while the contrary is called the Pratiloma.

A Shalyam lodged in a place lying close to the spot of its penetration (Arvacheenam) should be extracted through the way by which it has entered