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A case of Prameha, attended with indications as are to be found under the head of that disease, as well as an increased secretion of urine charged with semen, albumen, etc. and eruptions of specific abcesses (known as Sharavika etc.) is sure to have a fatal termination.

A case of Kushtha (leprosy) characterised by spontaneous bursting of the affected parts, hoarse voice, and blood-shot eyes, and not proving itself amenable to the five-fold appliances of emetics, purgatives, etc. (Pancha-Karma), usually ends in death. A case of piles attended with thirst, aversion to food, colic pain, excessive haemorrhage, anasarca (Shopha) of the locality, and dysentery is soon relieved by death.

A patient suffering from an attack of fistula in ano, characterised by an emission of flatus (Vayu), urine, fecal matter, worms and semen through the ulcerated locality, should be given up as lost. A patient suffering from the presence of stone, gravel, or urinary concretions (Sharkara) in the bladder and attended with oedema of the scrotum and the umbilicus, retention of urine, and colic pain in that organ, is soon relieved of his pain by death.

In a case of false presentation (Mudhagarva) an extreme constriction of the mouth of the uterus