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Now we shall discourse on the Chapter which deals with clinical observations (Aturopakramaniya-madhyayam).

A physician should first observe the vital condition (Ayu) of the patient before commencing the medical treatment. After that, the nature of the disease, the country and season of the year in which it has made its appearance, as well as the state of digestion, age, body, strength, disposition, habit, previous medicine, natural temperament and the power of endurance of the patient, etc. should be observed and carefully examined.

Characteristic features of a long lived man:—Men, the dimensions of whose hands, legs, sides, back, nipples of the breast, teeth, face, shoulders and forehead exceed the average, as well as those whose eyes, arms, phalanges and fingers are longer than the ordinary ones should be regarded as going to live long. Those who have broad chests, broad eye-brows with broader spaces intervening between the muscles of the breasts, and who take in deeper inspirations of breath, will be long lived. Those whose necks, thighs, and generative organs are shorter than those of the average type, or those whose voices and umbilical cavities -are deep, and whose breasts are unraised an d thick-set, and external ears broad, fleshy and hany.