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[ Chap. XXXV.

rumbling in the intestines, and loose motions (diarrhoea) at other times, is called Vishamagni.

Tikshnagni:-The digestive heat, which helps the digestion of even a heavy meal within an incredibly short space of time, is called "Keen" (Tikshnagni) and which becoming abnormally augmented begets an excessive or voracious appetite (Atyagni), helps a glutton to digest his frequent meals, and produces a parched throat, palate and lips, heat and other discomforts.

Mandagni:—The digestive fire or heat which causes the tardy digestion even of a scanty meal, and produces heaviness of the abdomen and head, cough, difficult breathing, water-brash, nausea, and weariness of the limbs simultaneously with the taking thereof, is called dull or sluggish (Mandagni).

Metrical Texts:—The digestive fire of the Vishama kind brings on diseases characterised by the derangement of the Vayu. A keen (Tikshna) digestive fire brings on bilious (Pittaja) affections, while a sluggish (Manda) fire gives rise to diseases marked by a deranged state of the Kapham. Endeavours should be made to keep the digestive fire of the Sama type normal or regular appetite*[1]) in an unimpaired state.

  1. *There is a difference between "Agni" and "appetite." Agni includes bile and pancreatic secretions, and hence indicates the state of ones digestion. Appetite, though not an unerring indicator of the process, is the effect of Agni.