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of the year, a particular disease or a peculiar mode of living, any particular kind of physical labour or exercise, or the specific properties of the water of any particular locality, or day sleep, or a juice of any particular taste, is or are said to be congenial (Satmya) to a man, or a man is said to be naturalised to these conditions and environments, when they fail to produce any injurious effect on his health, though naturally unwholesome to others.

Metrical Texts:—A thing of any taste whatsoever, or any kind of habit or physical exercise is said to be congenial to a man which, instead of in any way telling on his health, contributes to his positive pleasure and comfort.

Features of an Anupa country:—A country may be classed either as an Anupa, Jangala or a Sadharana one, according to its distinctive physical features. An Anupa (watery or swampy) country contains a large number of pools, and is wooded and undulated with chains of lofty hills traversing its area, and which is impassable owing to its net-works of rivers and sheets of accumulated rain-water rippling before the currents of the gentle, humid air. It is inhabited by a race of stout, shapely and soft- bodied men, susceptible to Vatala and Kaphaja diseases.

Features of Jangala and Sadharana countries:—The country, which presents a fiat