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or insects, or as to its being anywise infected with poison, or cut with an arm, or affected by winds, atmospheric heat, or an animal's body. It should be culled or uprooted in the event of it being found sound, healthy, deep-rooted, full-bodied, and of matured sap. The gatherer should look towards the north at the time of culling.

A plot of ground with a pebbly, steady, heavy, dusky or dark coloured soil, and which conduces to the growth of large trees, and yields rich harvests of corn, should be regarded as permeated with the specific virtues of essential Earth-matter.

A ground having a cool, glossy, white coloured soil, which is adjacent to water, and whose surface is covered with a lavish growth of glossy weeds and luscious shady trees, should be considered as characterised by the essential properties of water (Amvuguna). A ground having a gravelly soil of varied colours, and which contributes only to the germination of scanty and yellowish sprouts, should be looked upon as permeated with the attributes of essential fire (Agniguna). A ground with an ash-coloured or ass-coloured (grey), soil, and on which withered looking, sapless, large-holed trees of stunted growth, somehow eke out a miserable existence, should be considered as being controlled by the specific properties of air (Anilaguna); while the one having a soft, level surface with large trees and lofty